The Normalization of Disasters

As I scroll through Instagram I see the many news pages I follow. I get frequent updates about the next species that is extinct, the next terrorist attack, the next natural disaster. Somehow, I am able to see all these terrible things in the world, and all I can think is, "Wow that is terrible", then move on. I am not moved to action, nor emotionally affected at the sight of all these terrible things worldwide that are happening right as I write this. I blame many things for this apathy I and many feel about these global disasters, but one of the main things I blame is the normalization of these events.
I have seen so many videos on climate change, and so many images of dying animals and broken glaciers, yet I still don't feel the need to get up and do something about it. I have seen so many things about the changing planet, my whole life I have been seeing these things happen. I am now numb to the fear I used to have, because there is only a few people who still try to express the problem on an emotional level. There are few people who don't simply make a video and spread it on social media, because that is making the problem seem like an everyday thing, I can't have a personal connection to a statistic. There is little emotion involved in such disasters as climate change, I see the video, I think about how that sucks, then I move on to look at the next cute dog video. I don't think there is somebody out there who is trying to get me to not care about global events. I do think that seeing and hearing about all these global disasters has made us numb to it. It is the use of only numbers and statistics that make me struggle to have an emotional reaction to these disasters. Everywhere I look there is something about the most recent calamity, and now I just see these images and can't help but not care. This sounds absolutely horrible, like I don't care about other people, yet many people are experiencing this. We are sadly no longer shocked to hear about a school shooting, because we have been aware of them for years, and they happen quite frequently, now they are just another part of the day. When I first understood what a school shooting was, I was terrified for weeks, I was scared to go to school. Now I walk through the hallways everyday thinking, "There is a chance I could die, it is low, but its there". Almost all of the forms of news I have received has been with a statistic about shootings or just the number of people that were injured, nothing that makes me have a pure emotional reaction. We need to know who these people were, what happened to them, we need to be able to make an emotional connection to this event if we can change the reality of things. The same has happened with climate change, we have twelve years until we could all be dead or might as well be. I just don't feel anything on an emotional level about that fact, I have all the information I need to make a change, but I just can't. I'm used to hearing about how another animal went extinct, another glacier is almost gone, the sea level rose in some part of the world. I think the media needs to connect to us emotionally while also giving us the facts. the facts may give us information, but it doesn't explain the enormity of the situation.
If we could make the emotional connections necessary to make us feel the need to do something, then we could make the world a whole lot better. These disasters happening worldwide need to be shared with the community in a way that does not normalize the disaster. I don't know how to do this. Maybe we could find more emotional connections to these disasters, not just statistics about how many people died. We need to have these emotional connections if we are to learn from these calamities, or stop them from happening again.


  1. Do you think that learning about disasters is important for the betterment of humanity, or does it just create a culture of emotional zombies? Do you think there is a solution to this normalization of the extreme, and if so, what are a few steps we can take as a society to absolve our apathy? (You don’t need to have a plan - I just want to know what you think :))

  2. How do you think the internet has affected our desentization of these disasters? Do you believe that it is information overload? Hypothetically if the internet wasn't as prevalent as it is now do you think we would be better off? If so how would we be aware about situations outside of America?


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