The Apple Lovemark

When I was in seventh grade, my best friend got an iPhone 5. She spent all day playing on her phone and texting her friends while I was just kind of there, waiting till she was done so that I could play on it. The same thing happened with my mom, she got an iPhone when I was young, and all I wanted was to play with it. This is one of the many ways Apple has established a lovemark in society.
Almost all of us have seen people using iPhones since we were young, and I am sure many of us wanted our own and couldn't wait till we got one. Apple has established a place in our hearts by being the dream we have had since we were young. We all want a smart phone, but to have an iPhone is better than any regular smart phone. It is different, cooler, better. But we have no real reason to believe this. In fact, many other companies have made phones that are better than the current iPhone, better battery, more apps, etc. Yet, many of us remain loyal to the Apple brand. The company has been around for long enough that people just can't picture getting anything other than the classic iPhone that they have seen their friends and parents get. We want that brand because it is what everyone has, and everyone has it because Apple has established itself into our hearts. It has been a company that we can rely on so we see no reason to switch to the Samsung Galaxy, or other competitors, regardless of whether it is better or not. 
I have had three iPhones in my life, each one's battery did not last long, the phone would glitch sometimes, and a few other minor problems. Even though somewhere in my mind I am aware that there are better phones out there, I have chosen to continue with this brand because that is the only phone I want. I want to stay with what I have seen people using my whole life, I trust Apple because it has been around for my whole life. Apple has very successfully made many people choose their products over anything else, all because they have persuaded us that they are the best through their colorful and upbeat ads and common presence in everyday life. 


  1. Do you think the design techniques used to format iPhone screen layouts and app icons have anything to do with people staying loyal to the brand? Apple products tend to rely on sleek presentation, and clean, white backgrounds for their boxes. It enforces the idea of having an "intuitive" experience when interacting with their products.


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