CNN vs. Fox News

CNN "House sends guns background check bill to the Senate with bipartisan support"

Fox News "Dem gun bill threatens to turn gun owners into criminals"

As I compared these two articles, I was shocked by the numerous differences I found. It was clear from just one article from each news station that they were different. CNN had a very neutral article that had representatives from both sides of the debate discuss their opinion throughout the text. Fox News however seemed to want me to be scared of this recent gun control bill.
The proposed bill would require that nobody who has had a criminal record may be sold a firearm. Fox News phrased the bill as an evil thing, one that would get everybody arrested, and take away everyone's rights to guns. It is clear from the use of exaggerated possibilities of how the bill could be detrimental that Fox News clearly favors the republican side of this issue. Fox News makes the point that this bill would not have prevented many of the past major shootings that occurred. The news agency does not point out that this could prevent future shootings, they focus on belittling the democratic's opinions and making people angry so that they will fear the bill and go against it.
CNN is often considered to lean towards the democratic view of certain situations, however in this case I felt that the article provided a well rounded point of view of the situation. CNN used guests from both sides of the argument and they provided clear reasons for why both sides have their opinion. The article did not attack any point of views, only used opinions and facts to disagree and explain the reason for the disagreement.
Both sides did use facts and statistics in order to prove their point, yet Fox News' statistics were only to point out that many of the past and future shootings committed would not involve a gun that was legally registered, rather someone would use a stolen gun or buy one off the black market. Fox News does not point out any of the helpful qualities of this gun bill, the article only explains that bad parts and leaves out the good.
I may be biased in this situation, I do not trust Fox News in any way. I believe CNN is better in all situations because, from my experience, they are much more trustworthy due to their well rounded coverage of issues and topics. Nevertheless, it is clear from the differences between these two articles that Fox News' use of aggressive and angry language causes an uproar in the people while CNN's use of multiple points of views helps the reader get a well rounded opinion of the issue, no matter what side they agree with.


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